On Saturday night I was gliding through my Twitter feed to keep my brain full to the brim of micro facts… As I swiped away, I saw a very intriguing tweet from Print Club London. They were offering two free places on their screen printing workshop the next day.

I had been locked away in my studio working on my MF DOOM Typog-RAP-hy series and had begun to develop a mild case of cabin fever. I had also been meaning to go down to Print Club London at some point to find out a little more about how they operate. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so I responded to the tweet… Later that evening I got a message from the Print Club saying that they had given away the two places but wanted me to go along too because they liked the work I was doing.

“You are immediately hit with the smell of ink and a wave of creativity comes over you.”

If you’ve never entered a screen print studio, it’s quite an amazing feeling. You are immediately hit with the smell of ink and a wave of creativity comes over you. You scan the room taking in all the mechanical machinery that makes the print process such a romantic one. For me the feeling is best described as one of pure motivation and inspiration to just create.


All in all the workshop was a great refresher course for myself and jogged my memory a little getting me ready for when I take my next series to print. The friendly and fun creative atmosphere really made this workshop a pleasure, instead of one of those awkward ones where you are not quite sure how you feel about going back after lunch. I had a great day and by the end of it I had a limited run of prints with a two colour gradient on a ‘Smooth Southbank’ stock, which subsequently sold out within a few days of landing in my online shop!


Thanks to all the technicians at Print Club London and a pleasure to meet everyone I met that day.