Art Hostel
April May 2019
Ever since I worked on the original Art Hostel crowd funding campaign back in 2015, the Art Hostel in Leeds has held a special place in my heart. I’ve stayed in their amazing rooms numerous times and had so many insightful and interesting conversations with artists, designers and academics in the fun and friendly communal area. However, the original Art Hostel was always intended to be a temporary pop-up and has now closed its doors.
That’s why it was a huge pleasure when East Street Arts invited me back to help support them at this exciting development stage of the new and permanent Art Hostel! I was commissioned to create this series of illustrations which depict the story of the Art Hostel. The illustrations were then used by East Street Arts to create a stop motion animation for their Art Hostel crowd funding video campaign.
Go see the video and show your support for a wonderful project.